Sergio Rodríguez Azuero
Doctor of Law of the Rosario University of Colombia. Professor of Commercial Law and Director of Financial Law postgraduate program of the same University. Professor of Commercial Law in specialization program of the Externado University.
Visiting professor of Financial Law of the University Paris II (Phanteon-Assas), University Carlos III, and the Swiss Comparative Law Institute.
He has been Manager of the Banking Association of Colombia, Vice President of Colpatria Bank and also worked in Paris with Sudameris Bank, Paris National Bank and the Bank of France.
He was the President of the French-Colombian Chamber of Commerce, President of the Fiduciaries Association of Colombia, Associate Judge of the Constitutional Court of Colombia, member of the review committee of the Colombian Commercial Code and arbitrator of the G-3 Convention. He is also on the list of arbitrators of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota, the Italian Chamber of Commerce, the International Commercial Arbitration Centre of British Columbia and of the London Court of International Arbitration.