Eric Bergsten
Professor of Law, Pace University School of Law, 1992-1998, Emeritus since 1999. Professor of Law, University of Iowa, 1961-1974. Visiting Professor of Law, Northwestern University, 1964-1965, Fordham University, 1991-1992.
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL): Secretary, UNCITRAL, 1985-1991; Senior Legal Officer, 1975-1985; New York, 1975-1979; Vienna, 1979-1991. Consultant, UNCTAD, International Dispute Resolution Project, 2003.
Awards: American Bar Association, Section of Dispute Resolution, Special Commendation; New York State Bar Association, Section of International Law and Practice; Special Award for Distinction in International Law and Affairs, Vienna, Silbernes Ehrenzeichen des Landes Wien; American Bar Association, Section of International Law, Leonard J. Theberge, Award for Private International Law; International Council for Commercial Arbitration, Life Long Contribution to the Field of International Arbitration